Smoking Teeth冒煙的牙齒 = Poison Gas汞蒸氣曾補銀粉的牙齒冒出
his is a free video clip exerpt from the full length video available at the IAOMT. Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas Odorless, colorless and tasteless -- but it casts a shadow in black light! This dramatic video of mercury vapor outgassing from an amalgam dental filling has outraged the world since it was first demonstrated at an IAOMT meeting in 1995.
How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration 汞會造成腦神經損傷
How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics This short presentation available on the University website clearly shows how mercury in fillings can destroy brain neurons as seen with people who have Alzheimer's Disease.
This dramatic video from the University of Calgary, itself published as a peer-reviewed scientific article, illustrates how the smallest quantities of mercury can destroy growing nerve cells, leaving the neurofibrillary tangles characteristic of Alzheimer's Disease. Watch the abbreviated version on YouTube.
Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning汞中毒的症狀
- 作者:陳立川
- 出版社:大於創意
- 出版日:2014/5/15
你的嘴巴裡含著「水銀電池」嗎?牙齒填入的「銀粉」,其實就是「砒霜」? 拔牙跟駝背關節炎、失眠憂鬱息息相關?花錢吃好料,食物一進嘴巴就被汙染了?
陳立川是美國肯塔基大學的毒理學哲學博士,曾在美國國家健康研究院的癌症中心從事五年的博士後研究,也曾編輯發行關於整合醫學及另類醫學的英文版健康雜誌《整合健康與自癒》,並任教於美國華府首都整合醫學大學。 長期浸淫在另類療法領域的陳博士,運用其科學背景與特殊的直覺感應力,彙整出一套融合輔助醫學、另類醫學、民俗療法、傳統醫學、自然醫學與整合醫學,並納入牙醫學的簡易養生模式,亦即包括滋養、淨化、重生等三個重要環結的「整合養生三環」。自美返台後,他一直致力於推廣此一養生排毒的觀念與系列課程,目前在台灣已有數十位學員受惠。
出版過《跟著博士養生就對了》、《解毒高手》《人體空間排毒 ──從皮膚到內臟依序清除你的毒素》《你補了幾顆毒牙》等著作。
作者相關著作:《只要17個好觀念:一生無病 絕對有機會》